Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Where you can save money at the tack Shop when equipping your horse on Raceclubs.com.

Buy Equipment

Your stable can stock up on Equipment at any time, purchasable with cash or bonus credits. An items expiry period only starts from when it is first applied to a selected horse. Spare items can therefore be kept in your stable indefinitely until you are ready to use them.

Certain equipment lasts a lifetime while others require replacing after their expiry date:

  • Shoes (Alumites) expire after 30 days.
  • Gelding is permanent.
  • Blinkers can be removed and re-applied.
  • Vitamins can be applied every 15 days.

Equipment ranges in price from £0.63 to £1.26.

Note: If you have selected to automatically reapply shoes (alumites) (the ‘multi’ option when applying) to a horse when they wear out, the system is reliant on your stable having pre-purchased stock of them.

Apply Equipment

All items will improve a horses performance to varying degrees or have no effect at all, albeit blinkers which can also have a detrimental effect on a horse.

Vitamins affect a horses fitness by 5% to 10% and could flip your horse over 100% reverting it back to 50%. Please consult the Equipment Shop for detailed information.

Posted via email from Raceclubs.com

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