Tuesday, May 8, 2012

In the world of sport Paul Scholes of Manchester United has shown that 37 is the new 21!

First Paul Scholes now Siggiewi Lodge

Comeback kings are all over the place these days. In the world of sport Paul Scholes of Manchester United has shown that 37 is the new 21! In our own game a man who took a lengthy breather has decided to try his luck again and it’s wonderful to see Daniel of the Siggiewi Lodge back in the game. It’s over five years since this famous old stable first took horses in and he went down in history by telling a reporter about his routine when a big race is on. He said “I visit the toilet frequently. I must say I don't actually enjoy them. The anxiety kills me.” Well our friend from down under is alive and well and we’re delighted to have you back sir….even if it’s just in ‘a small way’ as you say.

Posted via email from Raceclubs.com

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