Monday, May 7, 2012

One man’s misfortune leads to another’s sheer joy on!

One man’s misfortune leads to another’s sheer joy

Twenty one minutes after the Pdr stable posted “There are still a load of donkeys in the sales ring! Well I guess there's a few less now - I've shot the ones I just bought” on May 1st the Green Farm Racing stable wrote “Not gloating (honestly!) But having just read your post here I decided to buy a horse from the sales ring with a few credits I'd won last night. It was rubbish as well! But then I realised I'd bought it with cash rather than the bonus credits so decided to buy another with the credits and pulled a challenge class colt. So thanks bud as I wouldn't have bought at all if you hadn't put your post up.” Oh well Pdr, your reward will be great someday in the virtual horse racing game in the sky!

Posted via email from

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