Thursday, May 31, 2012

It remains to be seen if the empire strikes back the star wars stable is determined to pick up the winners after returning to the game.

Return of the Jedi

Well it remains to be seen if the empire strikes back in the coming months but one things for sure the star wars stable is determined to pick up the winners after returning to the game. It’s just over six and a half years since we first felt the force here on Raceclubs when the sws touched down on October 30th, 2005. The latest revival of the yard sees just two colts sharing a stable, let’s hope they get on with each other. Little is currently known about ‘Explosive Charge’ and ‘Western Showdown’ but those who try to stand in their way should recall the line from Obi Wan Kenobi “If You strike me down, I will become more powerful then you can imagine"…yikes! 


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