Thursday, May 10, 2012

Baytown fined for causing light aircraft crash in Australia

Baytown fined for causing light aircraft crash in Australia

The Baytown stable has incurred considerable costs after an injured pilot successfully sued the yard claiming their outrageously dazzling silks caused a minor air accident earlier this year. Tucker McKenzie told a court in Tittybong, Victoria (this town does actually exist by the way!) that on February 30th he was flying his small craft over a virtual track in the area when he looked down only to see a jockey wearing a pink, yellow, white and red top. “I thought I was seeing things” said the 54-year-old father of 15, adding “at first I thought it was all the grog I’d had before taking off that was playing with my eyes but even after I’d refocused those colours were looking back at me.” The aircraft nosedived and crashed into a Victoria Bitter bottling plant but no one was injured and the pilot was treated with six bottles of the local brew for shock.

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