Friday, March 30, 2012

The kind of successes that deserve crates of champagne- and not the cheap stuff either!

Congratulations to the classic Challenge Series winners on 

If Amber Fields and Sky Castle Stables were nursing hangovers after celebrating their wins in the Challenge Series sprint races then they’re going to need dialysis after their classic races. 

Amber Fields went from first time Challenge Series winner in Wednesday’s Sprinters Challenge Final Juvenile C to double winner yesterday in the Classic Challenge Final Juvenile C. Both of his horses Toodles and Harjab (ENG) have done him proud. That’s the kind of success that deserves crates of champagne to celebrate, and not the cheap stuff either! 

Sky Castle Stables did a double Challenge Series victory, winning both the The Derby 3Y C - Gr 1 and King George Classic Challenge Final 4-7Y C with Duc De Richelieu and Service Resumes. He’s not only celebrating his 50th Challenge Series win (and 51st) but also beating Shotgun-mike’s records for winning the most Challenge Series. Shotgun-mike struck gold in the Queen Elizabeth Classic Challenge Final 4-7Y F with Eccellenza Suecia but does he have enough horsepower in his stable to reclaim his title as the King of Challenges? 

Wrs Stables and RedHalo Racing aren’t strangers to the winner’s circle as they won the Classic Challenge Final Juvenile F and The Oaks 3Y F - Gr 1respectively. This would be Wrs Stables fifth Challenge Series title while RedHalo Racing just won his sixteenth. 

It’s probably a rhetorical question, but does one ever become blasé when winning multiple Challenge Series titles? Or, is it a case of never being too rich or too think or too successful at virtual horse racing on

Congratulations to all the winners in last night’s Challenge Series race over the in the classic distances! 



Challenge  Series

Amber Fields

Harjab (ENG)

Classic Challenge Final Juvenile C

Wrs Stables

Gracious Lady

Classic Challenge Final Juvenile F

Sky Castle Stables

Duc De Richelieu

The Derby 3Y C - Gr 1

RedHalo Racing

So Theatrical

The Oaks 3Y F - Gr 1


Eccellenza Suecia

Queen Elizabeth Classic Challenge Final 4-7Y F

Sky Castle Stables

Service Resumes

King George Classic Challenge Final 4-7Y C

The Team

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