Friday, August 6, 2010

Moletown goes walkabout around Raceclubs and finds that the grass is greener on his side of the fence!

Moletown's Start Of Season Walkabout

Congratulations to all of you who made it through the age change unscathed! I'm sure there were plenty who will be celebrating and others that may feel a little hard done by. Nevertheless, it's all part of the game and an acceptable, if not sometimes controversial issue. The new season will be brim full of new challenges for each and every player, new and old. There are quite simply the most radical changes in any given season that most trainers have had to adjust to since the creation of As always some of the changes made have been received, let's say, with dampened enthusiasm. However, I think it is unfair to judge these changes made on face value until the season is well underway and I am of firm belief that most of the proposed changes will be positive for the game. Don't judge a book by its cover! Give time for all the changes to bed, without jumping on the negativity band wagon. 

Some things never change!

There I was contemplating an extended vacation from my writing antics, then it dawned on me, what ever could I fill the time with? A few hours into the day and I am already bored of doing the dishes, washing up and ironing. What better way to entertain myself could I find than to provide my peers at with some well needed scribbled distraction. I therefore retract my announcement of an extended vacation and will crack on entertaining the masses.

Some fun competitions!

As always the competitions run by the trainers and available for entry to all that have full forum access will continue and be as popular as they have always been. Jim (Celtic FC) does a fantastic job running "The Weekly Tipping Competition" and will continue to dedicate six evenings a week settling your tips. His math is subject to scrutiny at times (Not too often though Jim) but I think you'll all agree that he does a thankless job and deserves all the accolades he gets for it. Look out for this evening’s first tipping competition of the new season in the competitions forum.

"The Fantasy Stable Competition" is a favourite with many a player. Leon (Victor Consortio) is it's master and keeping track of all those entries must be a tiring effort but keep track he does and is another who should be thanked for his efforts. Last season's competition was void of 2YO selections, mainly due to the cutting of the sponsorship. I do hope the inclusion of 2YO horses makes a comeback this season. Keep your eye on the competitions forum for details of how to enter, once the competition announcement is made.

There is a new kid on the block this season, "The Raceclubs Fantasy Football Competition." An entry into the "Daily Telegraph Fantasy Football" competition is required to join the specially set up "Super League" for members. All you need to do is enter a team and then drop me an inbox for the PIN No. and LEAGUE ID and compete against trainers who think they are the proverbial dogs' at judging the "English Premiership." Joining is easy but the competition will be stiff!

Trainers to look out for!

A couple of trainers have started to make their mark on the virtual racing world. A trainer that shows promise is always worthy of a mention in any article. Two fledgling trainers have really caught my eye this season, whether they are a returning player or not, their achievements are quite notable. Squeaky Clean Stable enjoyed a magnificent debut season. His finishing position of 32nd in the seasonal standings stands him in good stead for natural progression up the leader board. To win a challenge final is a feat in itself but to do it in his first season is even more so impressive. There is no doubt that his success of last term will be a marker for future seasons and it is with anticipation that I wait to see how he competes this season. His stable star Darley Arabian has all the ability to dominate the level weight scene and should be a major player in both The Nunthorpe and The Derby. Good luck with him and the coming season!

It's always good to judge a trainers progression by the amount of wins and rise he has shown on the previous season. Shadow Lodgeenjoyed a twenty-two place rise in the standings on his previous season. It was his second season at and he was a stable full of winners. It also included his first ever qualifying race win when Shadow Bullet went and won him a Sprinter's Challenge Qualifier. His knowledge of the game improves every day and he looks to exploit this new found know-how whenever he hits the track. With a willingness to increase his knowledge base there is no doubt the name of Shadow Lodge will be a familiar sight in the winner’s enclosure. 

Flying Fillies is worthy of a mention and in Shes My Girl, Garry has snagged quite possibly the best filly that has seen in many a moon. Already a dual challenge winner she too, like Darley Arabian will savour the level weight challenge arena and looks like the one they all have to beat. The way she won the Sprinters Challenge Final was without doubt the performance of the festival. Three days before this win she was hacking up in a Ladbrokes Monthly Final and sits pretty with a 100% record in finals for her trainer. We could witness a meteoric rise to stardom for the stable off the back of her success.

Happy Racing!

Member Submission: Moletown 

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- Enter into a Race

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Published by C


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