Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Win an extra $1,000 in the Eggs-tra Eggs-citing #Easter Races on Raceclubs.com (6-9 April 2012)?

Eggs-tra Eggs-citing Easter Races - £630 Sponsorships!

Easter is a time for rebirth and renewal, both physically and metaphysically, and a friendly reminder to re-start your forgotten New Year resolutions after you’ve honoured your spiritual self and over indulged your physical self on Easter treats. What would Easter be without candied Easter eggs, chocolate Easter bunnies and spicy hot cross buns?

In more austere times, the traditional Easter egg was hardboiled. It was hardly an exciting treat unless you grew up in the dark ages, until some enterprising individuals decided that a splash of colour and rhinestones was all the humble breakfast food needed to become more exciting. It was probably hard enough trying to get finicky kids to eat a boiled egg unless you could make it more exciting for them. All that was needed was to replace the insides with chocolate and fondant and the sale of Easter eggs took off.

The Race Programmer was going to take credit for re-inventing the Easter egg until we reminded him how that would make him older than Hugh Hefner. Fortunately, he did reinvent horse racing for the masses by bringing it online through RaceClubs.com. He also made virtual horse racing eggs-tra eggs-citing by sponsoring the races with more sponsorships than one would think was virtually possible. If sponsorships were used as Easter eggs in an Easter egg hunt then you’d find them with your mouse and feed them to horses like candy-coated sugar cubes. There’s enough to make you sick - but not enough to make you stop.

RaceClubs.com’s Eggs-tra Eggs-citing Easter races is a four day eggs-travaganza reminding everyone to cherish the simple things in life, celebrate with a splash of colour, indulge in moderation (if only that were possible!) but also to get your horses racing over the Easter weekend for all the stickiest and sweetest virtual horse racing sponsorships they’re capable of finding. In keeping with the traditional Easter egg hunt, you’ll find your Easter treats hidden in the Race Program in the Eggs-tra Eggs-citing Easter races.

Enter the Eggs-tra Eggs-citing Easter Races today!

Posted via email from Raceclubs.com

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